Base de Datos de Legislación

Trata de personas
  • Actos realizados

    • • Acogida
      • Recepción
  • Medios utilizados

    • • Amenaza del uso de la fuerzo u otras formas de coercion
      • Engaño
 Part 5
 Section 98D
 Smuggling and trafficking in people

Artículos UNTOC

  • Convención contra la Delincuencia Organizada

  • Protocolo contra la Trata de Personas

  • Cualquier Artículo
  • Protocolo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes

  • Protocolo sobre Armas de Fuego


    Texto original

    98D Trafficking in people by means of coercion or deception

    (1) Every one is liable to the penalty stated in subsection (2) who—

    (a) arranges the entry of a person into New Zealand or any other State by 1 or more acts of coercion against the person, 1 or more acts of deception of the person, or both; or

    (b) arranges, organises, or procures the reception, concealment, or harbouring in New Zealand or any other State of a person, knowing that the person’s entry into New Zealand or that State was arranged by 1 or more acts of coercion against the person, 1 or more acts of deception of the person, or both.

    (2) The penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years, a fine not exceeding $500,000, or both.

    (3) Proceedings may be brought under this section even if the person coerced or deceived—

    (a) did not in fact enter the State concerned; or (as the case may be)

    (b) was not in fact received, concealed, or harboured in the State concerned.

    (4) Proceedings may be brought under this section even if parts of the process by which the person coerced or deceived was brought or came to or towards the State concerned were accomplished without an act of coercion or deception.


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