Base de données sur la législation

  • Incrimination, détection et répression

    • • Corruption d’agents publics nationaux
 General Part - Chapter One
 Section 11

Date d’entrée en vigueur:



UNTOC articles

  • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

  • Article 8: Incrimination de la corruption
  • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

  • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

  • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


    Article CNUCC

    • Article 15. Corruption d’agents publics nationaux - Alinéa (a) de l'article 15

    Texte original

    Section 11: Terms Relating to individuals and Subject Matter

    (1)   Within the meaning of this law: ...

    2.    a public official is whoever, under German law:

    (a)   is a civil servant or judge;

    (b)   otherwise has an official relationship with public law functions or;

    (c)   has been appointed to a public authority or other agency or has been commissioned to perform duties of public administration without prejudice to the organizational form chosen to fulfil such duties;

    2a.  “European public official” means

    a)    any member of the European Commission, European Central Bank, European Court of Auditors, or a European Union court;

    b)    any civil servant or other official of the European Union or of an institution established on the basis of European Union law; or

    c)    any person tasked with performing functions for the European Union or for an institution established on the basis of European Union law.

    3.    a judge is, whoever under German law is a professional or honorary judge;

    4.    a person with special public service obligations is whoever, without being a public official, is employed by, or is active for:

    (a)   a public authority or other agency, which performs duties of public administration; or

    (b)   an association or other union, business or enterprise, which carries out duties of public administration for a public authority or other agency, and is formally obligated by law to fulfil duties in a conscientious manner;


    Questions transversales

    • Compétence

      • • À bord d’un navire qui bat son pavillon


    Please note that this legislation was uploaded on 15 February 2019 and might, hence, not include amendments to the legislation after this date.