Ce module est une ressource pour les enseignants

Lectures avancées

Les lectures suivantes sont recommandées pour les étudiants intéressés à explorer les sujets de ce module plus en détail, et pour les enseignants qui enseignent le module :

  • Bang, Naomi Jiyoung (2014). Casting a Wide Net to Catch Big Fish: A Comprehensive Initiative to Reduce Human Trafficking in the Global Seafood Chain, 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 221
  • Beatty, Sasha (2016). Justice by Proxy: Combatting Forced Labour in the Greater Mekong Subregion by Holding US Corporations Liable, 49 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1109
  • De Shalit, Anne, Heynen, Robert and van der Meulen, Emily (2014). Human Trafficking and Media Myths: Federal Funding, Communication Strategies, and Canadian Anti-Trafficking Programs, 39 Canadian Journal of Communication 385
  • Ezell, Laura (2016). Human trafficking in multinational supply chains: a corporate director's fiduciary duty to monitor and eliminate human trafficking violations, 69 Vanderbilt Law Review 499
  • Foerster, Amy (2009). Contested Bodies, 11 International Feminist Journal of Politics 151
  • George, Erika R and Smith, Scarlett R (2013). In Good Company: How Corporate Social Responsibility Can Protect Rights and Aid Efforts To End Child Sex Trafficking And Modern Slavery, 46 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 55
  • Gulati, Girish (2011). News Frames and Story Triggers in the Media's Coverage of Human Trafficking, 12 Human Rights Review 363
  • Henriksen, Sofie (2018). Consuming Life after Anti-Trafficking, 10 Anti-Trafficking Review 14
  • Houston-Kolnik, Jaclyn, Soibatian, Christina and Shattell, Mona (2017). Advocates' Experiences With Media and the Impact of Media on Human Trafficking Advocacy, 32 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 1
  • Limoncelli, Stephanie (2016). What in the World Are Anti-Trafficking NGOs Doing? Findings from a Global Study, 2 Journal of Human Trafficking 316
  • Noyori-Corbett, Chie and Moxley, David (2018). Addressing female sex trade human trafficking in Japan through NGO advocacy networks, 61 International Social Work 954
  • O'Brien, Sofie (2018). Human Trafficking and Heroic Consumerism, 7 International Journal for Crime, Justice, and Social Democracy 51
  • Pajnik, Mojca (2010). Media Framing of Trafficking, 12 International Feminist Journal of Politics 45
  • Pati, Roza (2014). Marshalling the Forces of Good: Religion and the Fight Against Human Trafficking, 9 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 1
  • Planitzer, Julia (2016). Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Labour Exploitation: Can Obligatory Reporting by Corporations Prevent Trafficking?, 34 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 318
  • Rousseau, David (2018). From Passive Victims to Partners in Their Own Reintegration: Civil society's role in empowering returned Thai fishermen, 10 Anti-Trafficking review 1
  • Schloenhardt, Andreas and Hunt-Walshe, Rose (2012). The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in Australia's Anti-Trafficking in Persons Framework, 36 University of Western Australia Law Review 57
  • Yea, Sallie (2017). Helping from home: Singaporean youth volunteers with migrant‐rights and human‐trafficking NGOs in Singapore, The Geographical Journal

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