Base de données sur la législation

Entrave au bon fonctionnement de la justice
  • Secteurs

    • • Agents publics
  • L’infraction implique

    • • Fait de promettre/ offrir/ accorder un avantage indu
      • Force physique/menace/intimidation
  • Objectif

    • • Fait d’empêcher un agent de la justice ou un agent des services de détection et de répression d’exercer les devoirs de sa charge
 Book 4 - Title 2
 Article 518-528
 Chapter 1 - Section 1

UNTOC articles

  • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

  • Article 23: Incrimination de l’entrave au bon fonctionnement de la justice
  • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

  • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

  • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


    Texte original

    Article 518: Briberies Given to a Judge

    It is punishable by an imprisonment from 5 (five) years to 10 (ten) years, for the act of any person who, without any right, gives either directly or indirectly, any donation, present, promise or any interest to a judge so that the judge:

    1. fulfil any act in his/her function;

    2. or not fulfil any act in his/her function.

    Article 528: Intimidation against a Judge or a Lawyer

    Any act of intimidation against a judge or a lawyer to influence over his/her behaviour in the exercise of his/her functions is punishable by an imprisonment from 2 (two) years to 5 (five) years, and a fine from 4,000,000 (four million) Riels to 10,000,000 (ten) million Riels.

    It is punishable by an imprisonment from 5 (five) years to 10 (ten) years if this offence produces an effect.