Base de données Jurisprudence

Trafic illicite de migrants

Délit(s) / Infranction(s)

• Fait de permettre l’entrée illégale

11Os125/15i (28 September 2015)

Résumé des faits

In July and August 2015, Christian T. and Kurt K. drove up to 31 foreign nationals, without EU rights of residence, from Vienna to the German border in their taxis.

The incident was brought to the attention of the Regional Court of Wels, which decided that an arrest warrant should be issued as the court suggested that there was reasonable suspicion that they had committed the offence of migrant smuggling. Both men were arrested and charged for smuggling of migrants according to § 114 Abs 1, Abs 3 Z 1, Z 2 Fremdenpolizeigesetz (Alien’s Police Act), which defines the offence as facilitating the illicit entry or transit of foreign nationals (actus rea) with intent of gaining an unlawful material benefit (mens rea).

Regarding the actus rea the facts suggested that Christian T. and Kurt K. did in fact facilitate the illicit transit of foreign nationals, but what about the mens rea, as the two men were only paid their normal taxi fees?

Christian T. sought to overturn his arrest warrant but his complaint was subsequently rejected by the Court of Second Instance. However, when the matter was brought before the Austrian High Court, the decision to place both men under arrest was overturned, as the mens rea element was not properly established and therefore no urgent suspicion was given.

The High Court ruled that intention to gain an unlawful material benefit does not only require a perpetrator to obtain a fee, but that the obtained fee exceeds the adequate extent. Only then shall a perpetrator be criminally liable for the offence of migrant smuggling. The facts of the case however suggested that the agreed fee for a taxi ride of this length was adequate. As such, the Austrian High Court concluded that there has been no reasonable suspicion that the offence of migrant smuggling had taken place in this instance and went on to overrule the arrest warrants against Christian T. and Kurt K. 

Date de la peine:

Questions transversales


Responsabilité pour

• Infraction consommée

Responsabilité fondée sur

• Intention criminelle

Responsabilité impliquant

• Participant, Facilitateur, Accessoire

Commission d’une infraction


• Produite dans un (ou plusieurs) des frontières internationales (transnational)

Pays concernés



Informations sur la procédure

Système juridique:
Droit civil
Décision judiciaire la plus récente:
Cour suprême
Type d'Action Juridique:
Criminel / pénal
Les accusés ont été jugés:
ensemble (procès unique)
Procédure #1:
  • Étape:
    premier jugement
  • Date de décisions:
    Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 CEST 2015



    Landesgericht [regional court]



  • Ville:
  • • Criminel / pénal


    Criminal/Fundamental rights (Arrest warrant – Deprivation of freedom)

    Decision to place the defendant under arrest.

    The  Landesgericht Wels (regional court) decided that an arrest should be warranted as the court suggested that there was reasonable suspicion that Christian T. and Kurt K. had committed the offence of migrant smuggling. Both men were arrested and charged for smuggling of migrants according to § 114 Abs 1, Abs 3 Z 1, Z 2 Fremdenpolizeigesetz (Alien’s Police Act), which defines the said offence as facilitating the illicit entry or transit of foreign nationals (actus rea) with intent of gaining an unlawful material benefit (mens rea).

    Procédure #2:
  • Étape:
  • Date de décisions:
    Tue Sep 08 00:00:00 CEST 2015






  • Ville:
  • • Criminel / pénal


    Decision to back the 1st instance decision

    Christian T. sought to overturn his arrest warrant but his complaint was subsequently rejected by the Court of Second Instance. The Oberlandesgericht Linz upheld the decision of the Landesgericht Wels to place both men under arrest.


    Procédure #3:
  • Étape:
  • Date de décisions:
    Mon Sep 28 00:00:00 CEST 2015



    OGH [Supreme Court]



  • Ville:
  • • Criminel / pénal


    When the matter was brought before the Austrian High Court, the decision to place both men under arrest was overturned, as the mens rea element was not properly established and therefore no urgent suspicion was given.

    The High Court ruled that intention to gain an unlawful material benefit does not only require a perpetrator to obtain a fee, but that the obtained fee exceeds the adequate extent. Only then shall a perpetrator be criminally liable for the offence of migrant smuggling. The facts of the case however suggested that the agreed fee for a taxi ride of this length was adequate.  As such, the Austrian High Court concluded that there has been no reasonable suspicion that the offence of migrant smuggling had taken place in this instance and went on to overrule the arrest warrants against Christian T. and Kurt K. 


    Défendeurs / Répondants de la première instance

    Christian T
    Kurt K

    Accusations / Demandes d’indemnité / Décisions

    Christian T

    Smuggling of Migrants

    Détails de charges:

    § 114 Abs 1, Abs 3 Z 1, Z 2 Fremdenpolizeigesetz (Alien’s Police Act).

    § 173 Abs 1, Abs 2 Z 3 lit a and b Strafprozessordnung (Criminal Procedure Code)

    Kurt K

    Smuggling of migrants

    Détails de charges:

    § 114 Abs 1, Abs 3 Z 1, Z 2 Fremdenpolizeigesetz (Alien’s Police Act).

    § 173 Abs 1, Abs 2 Z 3 lit a and b Strafprozessordnung (Criminal Procedure Code)


    OGH [Austrian Supreme Court],

    Pièces jointes/annexes