Base de données sur la législation

 Article 11

Texte original

Territorial scope of offences under this Act.

11. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act shall have effect in relation to

any person, whatever his nationality, whether within or outside Brunei

Darussalam; and where an offence under this Act has been committed by any

person outside Brunei Darussalam, he may be dealt with as if the offence had

been committed within Brunei Darussalam.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), this Act shall apply if, for the

offence in question —

(a) the accused was in Brunei Darussalam at the material time;


(b) the computer, program or data was in Brunei Darussalam at

the material time.


Questions transversales

  • Compétence

    • • Principe actif de nationalité (infractions commises par les nationaux d’un pays en dehors de son territoire)
      • Principe de la personnalité passive (infraction commise en dehors du territoire d’un État à l’encontre d’un de ses nationaux)
      • Principe de la territorialité (infraction commise sur le territoire d’un État, l’auteur de l’infraction étant un ressortissant étranger)

Pièces jointes/annexes