Base de données sur la législation

Crimes ayant une incidence sur l’environnement

    UNTOC articles

    • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

    • Article 11: Poursuites judiciaires, jugement et sanctions
    • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

    • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

    • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


      Texte original

      Section 95.
      Any person who keeps or is found in possession of a wildlife trophy or deals in a wildlife trophy, or manufactures any item from a trophy without a permit issued under this Act or exempted in accordance with any other provision of this Act, commits an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine of not less than one million shillings or imprisonment for a term of not less than five years or to both such imprisonment and fine.