Base de données sur la législation

Traite des personnes
     Part IV
     Article 24-26

    UNTOC articles

    • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

    • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

    • Tout Article
    • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

    • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


      Texte original

      24 Offence of trafficking in persons

      Any person engaged in trafficking in persons commits an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 25 years.

      25 Offence of trafficking in children

      Any person engaged in trafficking a child commits an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.

      26 Consent not a defence

      It is not a defence for offences under sections 24 and 25 that the –

      (a) trafficked person consented; or

      (b) intended exploitation did not occur.


      Pièces jointes/annexes