Base de données sur la législation

  • Incrimination, détection et répression

    • • Corruption d’agents publics nationaux
      • Bribery of foreign public officials/officials of public international organizations
 General Part - Chapter Four
 Section 108e

Date d’entrée en vigueur:



UNTOC articles

  • Convention contre la criminalité organisée

  • Article 8: Incrimination de la corruption
  • Protocole relatif à la traite des personnes

  • Protocole relatif au trafic illicite de migrants

  • Protocole relatif aux armes à feu


    Article CNUCC

    • Article 15. Corruption d’agents publics nationaux - Alinéa (a) de l'article 15
    • Article 16. Corruption d’agents publics étrangers et de fonctionnaires d’organisations internationales publiques - Paragraphe 1 de l'article 16
    • Article 16. Corruption d’agents publics étrangers et de fonctionnaires d’organisations internationales publiques - Paragraphe 2 de l'article 16
    • Article 30. Poursuites judiciaires, jugement et sanctions - Paragraphe 1 de l'article 30
    • Article 30. Poursuites judiciaires, jugement et sanctions - Alinéa (a) du paragraphe 7 de l'article 30
    • Article 30. Poursuites judiciaires, jugement et sanctions - Alinéa (b) du paragraphe 7 de l'article 30

    Texte original

    Section 108e: Active and passive bribery of mandate holders
    (1)   Whoever as a member of a public assembly of the Federation or the Länder demands, allows him/herself to be promised or accepts an undue advantage for him/herself or a third party in return for performing or refraining from performing an act upon assignment or instruction in the exercise of his/her mandate shall be liable to imprisonment of up to five years or a fine.
    (2)   Whoever offers, promises or grants to a member of a public assembly of the Federation or the Länder an undue advantage for the member him/herself or a third party in return for that member performing or refraining from performing an act upon assignment or instruction in the exercise of his/her mandate shall incur the same penalty.
    (3)   Members of
    1.    a public assembly of a local authority,
    2.    a body, elected in direct and general elections, of an administrative unit established for a subarea of a federal Land or a local authority,
    3.    the Federal Convention,
    4.    the European Parliament,
    5.    a parliamentary assembly of an international organisation, or
    6.    a legislative body of a foreign state
    shall be considered equivalent to the members referred to in subsections (1) and (2).
    (4)   An undue advantage shall not be deemed to exist in particular where the acceptance of the advantage is in accordance with the relevant provisions relating to the legal position of the member. The following shall not be considered an undue advantage:
    1.    a political mandate or a political function, or
    2.    a donation permissible under the Law on Political Parties or other relevant legislation.
    (5)   In addition to the imposition of a term of imprisonment of at least six months, the court may withdraw the capacity to attain public electoral rights and withdraw the right to elect or vote in public matters.

    Questions transversales

    • Compétence

      • • À bord d’un navire qui bat son pavillon


    Please note that this legislation was uploaded on 15 February 2019 and might, hence, not include amendments to the legislation after this date.